

In this study, the scale named “Survey of Online Reading Attitudes and Behaviours” developed by Putman (2014) was adapted to Turkish after obtaining the necessary permissions. It was concluded that the scale could be used in Turkish education to determine the attitudes and behaviours of middle school students towards online reading activities. It was observed that the predicted five-factor structure of the scale explained 43.47% of the total variance and maintained the 53 item structure in accordance with the original scale. The internal consistency coefficient is .83 for the whole scale; .78 for the effect dimension; .83 for the cognition dimension; .92 for the value dimension; it was calculated as .81 for the self‑regulation dimension and .789 for the anxiety dimension. The differences between the 27% lower and upper groups were examined in order to ensure the reliability procedures. In the analysis (t(742)=24.35, p<.01), statistically significant differences were observed between the lower and upper groups. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analyzes were conducted to examine the compatibility with the original scale. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the fit indices of the scale were in the desired range (TLI=.90; CFI=.87, GFI=.89, RMSEA=.06). As a result of all the procedures performed for the scale, it was decided that the scale is a tool that can determine the attitudes and beliefs of middle school students towards online reading.

Keywords: Teaching of Turkish language, online reading attitude, online reading behavior.


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How to Cite

ÇİFCİ, M. ., & ÜNLÜ, S. . (2021). ONLINE READING ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS SCALE: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY STUDY. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(1), 40–55. Retrieved from



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