As constructivist approach adopted and enacted by Turkish Ministry of National Educationin primary schools in 2006 is considered “to be an innovation”, aim of this study is developing a scale to determine teachers’ attitudes towards innovations. The study of developing an original scale to determine the focal points of teachers’ perceptions during the process of adopting constructivist approach as an innovation began by asking open ended questions to 100 primary school teachers and collecting their responses in a pool of items. Pool of items was analysed by a jury of nine members, opinions of jurors were analysed for correlation, and the items taking averages over 2.50 out of 5 were applied on a trial group of 60 primary school teachers. The scale of measurement obtained after factor analyses and neccessary corrections was applien on a group of primary teachers consisting of 248 female, 159 male teachers. To maintain construct validity of the scale, factor analyses was done and a three factor;”focusing”, “lack of infromation related to practice”, “professional concerns”, a 44 item scale was obtained with factor loadings between .71 and .77. Cronbach alpha internal consistency value as .84. As a result of validity and reliability analyses, a highly valid and reliable scale to determine teachers’ attitudes towards change was developed.
Keywords: innovation, curriculum, curriculum changing, perceptions of primary schools teachers’.
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