With its causes and consequences, migration is one of the important problem areas with its social, economic, political, and educational dimensions. The phenomenon of immigration in today's world and the social integration and adaptation of 3.5 million refugees in Turkey puts a great responsibility on education and educational organizations. It is necessary to determine the reflections of the immigration phenomenon in the field of education and management and to suggest solutions and practices. In this direction, the main purpose of the study is to reveal and discuss the current situation based on the opinions of teachers and administrators on intercultural education. This descriptive research has been designed with descriptive research model within the framework of the qualitative research approach. The participants of the study are administrators and teachers who worked in different branches in Çanakkale in the 2019-2020 academic year and have refugee students in their school. A semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool. Descriptive analysis technique was used in the analysis of the obtained data. According to the findings of the research, it is observed that school administrators and teachers define intercultural education competence as having cultural knowledge, respect for differences, universality, education planning, competency, and social adaptation. School administrators and teachers think that the classroom teachers of refugee students should have the qualities of recognizing cultures, respecting universal values, caring about human rights, empathy and communicating; It is determined that they used the concepts of communication and social adaptation in their professional experiences.
Keywords: Intercultural education, multiculturalism, intercultural education competence.
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