This study aims to examine whether constructive and destructive coping as styles of coping with romantic jealousy are significantly predicted by irrational relationship beliefs, perfectionism toward self and partner as dimensions of perfectionism in romantic relationships, and gender. The study sample consists of 286 university students. The study data were obtained by using the “Irrational Beliefs Scale”, “Romantic Relationship Perfectionism Scale” (RRPS), and “Jealousy Coping Ways”, which is a subscale of the “Romantic Jealousy Questionnaire (RJQ)”. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used for data analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that perfectionism towards oneself significantly predicted constructive and destructive coping styles with jealousy. Irrational beliefs and gender were found to significantly predict destructive coping with jealousy. It was found that perfectionism towards other (partner)-oriented did not significantly predict constructive and destructive coping style with jealousy. In addition, it was found that irrational beliefs and gender did not significantly predict constructive coping with jealousy.
Keywords: Romantic relationship, jealousy, irrational beliefs, perfectionism, coping.
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