The purpose of this study is to research the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Designing my Future Scale developed by Di Maggio et al (2017) for the adolescents. Study had been carried out with 360 students in total who randomly selected from grades 9 and 10 from Namık Kemal High School, Bekir paşa High School and Erenköy High School at the Northern part of the Cyprus. The scale has been translated into Turkish by three experts who are advance in English language to provide the linguistic equivalence. Translation of the scale into Turkish is done by two persons who are advanced in English and a person whose mother language is English and advance in Turkish. Final version is drafted by two researchers by comparatively evaluating the developed scale. Before the exploratory factor analysis, normality test, Barlett’s tests for sphericity are carried out to see if the scale is factorable or not and then exploratory factor analysis are carried out by examining the Kaiser-Meğer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient. To test the construct validity, structures are tested with confirmatory factor analysis. It is identified that original scale that has 19 items has 18 items and two factors structure in Turkish culture. Criterion-related validity is found related with the Satisfaction with Life Scale and Career Adaptability Scale in a positive way. For reliability analysis of the Designing my future Scale, Cronbach alpha test and split-half test and total item correlations are researched. Internal reliability coefficient is found 88 in total, future orientation dimension 87, resilience dimension 77 of the Designing my future Scale. Those findings show that Turkish version of the Designing my future Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used career training studies and counselling services during adolescence period.
Keywords: Future designing, future orientation, resilience, life designing
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