

The purpose of this study is to investigate the career adaptability of Turkish teachers working in special education schools in terms of psychological well-being and job satisfaction. The study group consist of 214 Turkish teachers working in the special education training in İstanbul. Personal Information Form, Career Adaptability Scale, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Psychological Well-Being Scale were collected in the study. In the analysis of the findings obtained in the study, multiple regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA techniques were used. When the research findings are examined, female Turkish teachers working in special education schools have higher career adaptability than male Turkish teachers. Besides, Turkish teachers in the age range of 36-40 have more career adaptability than other age groups. According to the results of the research, job satisfaction and psychological well-being are important variables explaining career adaptability of Turkish teachers working in special education schools.

Keywords: Career adaptability, Turkish teacher, psychological well-being, job satisfaction, career development.


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How to Cite

KULBAŞ, E. ., & KARA, A. . (2021). INVESTIGATION OF CAREER ADAPTABILITY OF TEACHERS WORKING IN SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(1), 75–85. Retrieved from



Research Article