

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability caused by a neurological problem. It is a worldwide problem with a prevalence of 5–10% of the population. It is described mainly by difficulties in reading, spelling, accuracy, fluency, and decoding abilities. This article is chiefly concerned to provide an overview of dyslexia, some key issues based on identification, intervention, and support for dyslexic learners, and its effects on learning mathematics. The common characteristics of dyslexic learners vary from person to person. The context of the learner, availability of the resources, and teaching strategy also impact an individual to develop dyslexia. The dyslexic learner can be identified in various ways however the four levels of the sequential model are discussed to identify the dyslexic learner. Only two intervention methods as a response to intervention and the Orton-Gillingham method are discussed. Similarly, different ways of supporting dyslexic learners and the effects of dyslexia in learning mathematics are also discussed.

Keywords: Dyslexia, identification of dyslexic learner, intervention, mathematics.


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How to Cite

KUNWAR, R., & SAPKOTA, H. P. . (2022). AN OVERVIEW OF DYSLEXIA: SOME KEY ISSUES AND ITS EFFECTS ON LEARNING MATHEMATICS. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 11(2), 82–98. Retrieved from



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