Sound-based sentence method has been used to teach reading and writing (since the 2005-2006) in Turkey. This method, however, might pose difficulties in learning “sound-syllable-word-phrase” formations for students with intellectual disability. The aim of this research proposes a new method of literacy for students with intellectual disability. Conducted using document reviewing method, the study developed the “Sentence-Targeted Syllable Method” based on the language and cognitive development characteristics of children with intellectual disability and the Turkish language structure. This method firstly teaches syllables and words of a targeted sentence. For example, to teach “Ali lale al”, the syllables “la-le-li” are taught to reach the word “lale”, and then students are instructed to read/write the syllables “al-il-el” to form the targeted sentence. In the first stage, the targeted sentence is formed by highlighting the vowels “a, e, ı, i, o, o, u, ü” and the consonants “l, b, n, y, ç, t, s, k, ş” instructing students to read/write the syllables and then the words of the targeted sentence. New syllables-words-sentences are generated by splitting sentences into sounds. In the second stage, the sounds “p, r, m, z, g, v, d, f, c, h, ğ, j” are finally taught through synthesis, which is followed by other practices to improve children’s literacy.
Keywords: Sentence targeted syllable method, students with intellectual disability, teaching reading and writing, Turkish language structure.
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