İn this study; we examined the influence of concept cartoons on academic achievement in the 5th grade geometry class. Quantitave research method is used in the research. Randomized paired control-group pretest-posttest design from experimental research methods was used in the research. Experimental study was carried out with 24 fifth grade students studying in Aşağı Göndelen Secondary School in Ereğli Country of Konya Province. Experts have examined the materials of Geometry Achievement Test, have been tested for reliability and validity, and as a result the ‘‘Geometry Achievement Test’’ has been established to be reliable and valid. GBT was applied to a group of 24 students. Based on the results of the results of the pre-test GBT, the experimental group with 12 member, in which the geometry was tough with concept cartoons, and the control group with 12 member, in which the geometry was tough with traditional teaching was established so that the successes of students would be homogeneous. In the analysis of the data obtained from the experimental study; Independent samples t-test was used. As a result of the experimental research, it was seen that the students of the experimental group using the concept cartoons had higher geometry achievements than the geometric achievement of the control group students who were taught traditional geometry.
Keywords: Geometry education, concept cartoons, the level of success
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