The study therefore examined the implications of emotional restorative intervention ERI on spouse abuse perpetuation SAP in Ijebu Division of Ogun State. Descriptive survey research design was used. A total of 100 spouses were purposively selected for this study. A standardized instrument modified, titled Scream, Insult, Threat, and Hurt SITH and a self-structured instrument were given to the respondents. The reliability was .85 and .93. The data gleaned were analyzed using frequency percentage and mean score to answer research questions while t-test was used to test the hypothesis at .05. The result shows that the perpetuators emotional intelligence status of the before and after the intervention ranges from 1.37 (S.D.=.49) to 3.55 (S.D.=.50) and 1.71 (S.D.=1.01) to 3.67 (S.D.=1.12) respectively. The mean range for the SAP is 3.05 (S.D.=.46) to 3.55 (S.D.= .86). Emotional Restorative Intervention (t=63.97, p<.05) is statistically significant, this implies that the Emotional Restorative treatment intervened the Emotional Intelligence, socio-emotional abilities and the situation management. It was recommended that elders in the religion settings, health workers and social workers should be exposed to the Emotional Restorative Education technicality detail with routine application of mental hygiene.
Keywords: Abuse, spouse abuse, perpetuators, intervention, emotional restorative intervention.
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Copyright (c) 2024 by Emmanuel Akinyemi ADENUGA, Adewale Olugbemiga ADELEYE, Titilayo Monsurat MUSA

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