

This study explores the determinants of academic success among Special Needs Children in Basic Schools in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Rieser's Social Model of Disability is the theoretical framework upon which the study is built. Utilizing Simple Random Sampling and Purposive Sampling, the research focused on parental involvement, teaching methods, and the attitudes of special needs pupils. Questionnaire, interviews, and observation were employed for data collection, and the findings are presented through Tables and graphs. The study highlights significant parental involvement, including financial support, and active monitoring of children's progress. Teachers exhibit openness, employ tailored instructional methods, and create inclusive environments. Special needs pupils actively participate, displaying motivation and a positive attitude towards learning. The study recommends collaborative efforts between school authorities and the District Assembly for funding hearing and visual aids. School management is advised to partner with NGOs for resources supporting Special Needs Education. Parents are also encouraged to increase school visit frequently to foster a motivating and positive learning environment. Further research should look at the training and support provided to teachers who work with special needs children.

Keywords: Special needs children, academic success, basic school.


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How to Cite

BAPONG, C., WIREDU, S., WAAWULA, C. ., & ALAGBE, H. . (2024). FACTORS THAT PROMOTE ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AT THE BASIC SCHOOL LEVEL IN THE UPPER EAST REGION OF GHANA. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 13(1), 46–57. Retrieved from https://tijseg.org/index.php/tijseg/article/view/234



Research Article