The importance of shadow teachers' competence is crucial for implementing inclusive education. Previous research has mainly focused on qualitative studies, and there is a need for more information about the competencies of shadow teachers, especially in stress management, emotional regulation, and positive discipline. This study aimed to gain an understanding of stress management, emotional regulation, and positive discipline among shadow teachers and to determine if these competencies vary based on the educational level they teach. The study used a comparative descriptive quantitative approach and involved 163 shadow teachers. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The results revealed that 53% of shadow teachers have low stress management abilities, 34% use suppression strategies to regulate emotions, and 40% have low competence in positive discipline. The study found no differences in stress management and emotional regulation among shadow teachers. However, significant differences were found in the application of positive discipline based on the educational level taught by shadow teachers.
Keywords: Emotion regulation, stress management, positive discipline.
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