This study aims to explore the problems parents face when introducing digital learning into the education of their children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The research niche addresses the intersection of digital learning platforms and the unique needs of ASD students, while specifically focussing on the issues reported by parents who are trying to take an active part in their children’s studies. A total of 112 parents participated in this study, providing their opinions through a Google Form questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS 29 to identify key issues like accessing technology, understanding and using digital tools, supporting children's engagement and motivation, time management, and balancing other responsibilities. The key takeaways of the study reveal that parents face significant challenges while selecting appropriate tools, ensuring compatibility with their child's needs, and managing the appropriate screen time. In conclusion, these difficulties demand an ongoing effort throughout the design, training, and assistance provided for parents to incorporate digital learning into their children’s education successfully. The key to this success seems to be for teachers, developers, and families to work together to maximise the chance for digital learning to become a breakthrough success for ASD students.
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, digital learning, parents, difficulties, parental challenges.
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