Modern times are characterized by a daily rate of new scientific and technological advances. People who can stay up to date with developing advancements and even incorporate them into daily life are needed. This will only work if the appropriate groups and instructional strategies are used. Gifted and exceptionally talented individuals hold a significant position in society and are vital groups in special education because they frequently require customized instruction. By emphasizing the relationship between science education and special education and considering the methodologies, data collection tools, findings, and other noteworthy aspects of recent research in the field, the current study seeks to evaluate the importance of integrating these two domains. This study was carried out as a review of the literature. In this context, 45 articles with the keywords "Gifted/Special Talent", "Science", "Gifted/Talented Students", and "Science" in the literature between January 2019 and May 2024 were examined within the scope of the study. During the selection of the studies, current databases such as Google Scholar, Dergipark, Core, DOAJ, and Web of Science were used. While examining the studies, the “Article Review Form” created by the researchers was used. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that there were more Turkish publications and that there was an equal tendency in terms of the method used. While the scanning and phenomenology research design was preferred more, t-test and content analysis were mostly used as data analysis methods. Depending on the method, it was determined that scales and interviews were preferred as data collection tools. It was determined that a small sample size was tried to be preferred in sample selection, and in addition, studies were conducted for various purposes and results were obtained.
Keywords: Gifted individuals, science education, special education, document review.
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