The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between high school students’ school belonging and classroom engagement. Dependent variable of the study is school belonging and independent variable of the study is behavioral, cognitive and emotional engagement. The study was conducted in cross sectional research design. In the study quantitative method was used. Purposive sampling method was utilized in the study. 236 high school students who received education at 9th and 10th grades, were between 15-17 years old were included in the study. Data were collected via School Belonging Scale and Classroom Engagement Scale. In the analysis of the data, simple regression analysis technique was applied in the study. According to the results of the study, as long as school belonging feeling increases, behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement of the students in the classroom increases. At this point, school psychologists, psychological counselors, teachers and school managers can produce preventive and constructive intervention programs that will increase students’ school belonging feelings in school context.
Keywords: School belonging, engagement, high school, classroom engagement.
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