The Pythagorean Theorem is one of the 8th grade achievements in the MEB (2018) curriculum. The theorem is a conceptual structure in which students have difficulty in understanding and practicing. In this context, it is aimed to get information about the mathematical thinking stages of a gifted 5th grade student. The mathematical thinking development stages of the student were examined in terms of KISS (conceptual operational symbolic process) theory. The research is case study. Yigit, who was diagnosed in the field of general mental ability and trained in science art center, was identified as the participant of the study. The name Yigit was used as an alias. Yigit is studying in the 5th grade Turkey's state school located in a province in the western region. A clinical interview was conducted with the student. This interview lasted 30 minutes. A verbal case for the Pythagorean Theorem was presented to the student. It was expected to he could developed a process of thinking towards obtaining the theorem from this verbal case. As a result of the interview, Yigit was able to draw the desired shape by following the instructions in the verbal case given. He understood that the Pythagorean Theorem was a conceptual structure obtained by the characteristics of the right triangle. He was able to develop a thinking process for symbolically showing theorem. Generalization was able to do. According to KISS theory, the process and the concept could reach the dimension of thinking together.
Keywords: Gifted student, Pythagorean theorem, Mathematical thinking.
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