In this study, the mathematical thinking processes of a gifted 4th grade student regarding geometry were examined. Based on the thought that the geometric thinking level of the student will affect his mathematical thinking skills, it was determined that his geometric thinking level is the second level. While studying mathematical thinking processes, the theoretical framework of the three worlds of mathematics was used. According to this theoretical framework, mathematical thinking is divided into three levels: the conceptual embodied world, the perceptual symbolic world and the axiomatic formal world. While examining the mathematical thinking processes of this student named Alp, two semi-structured interviews were conducted. In the first, his prior knowledge of geometry was questioned and a verbal expression of triangle inequality was presented. In the second interview, an activity that is expected to create knowledge structures about triangle inequality was presented. As a result of the research, it was seen that Alp was able to carry out a thinking process towards proof processes, even at a simple level. His thinking skills are generally limited to the conceptual embodied world dimension.
Keywords: Gifted student, mathematical thinking, three worlds of mathematics
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