Aim of this research is to determine the views of school principals and special education teachers on the quality of education provided in special education institutions in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Semi-structured interview technic as a qualitative research method was used in this research. It was aimed to obtain information about the views of the school principal and the special education teachers about the educational quality provided in the special education institutions. Interview questions of the study were formed with comprehensive literature review and expert views from special education field were received. Descriptive and content analysis were made after the data obtained in the research. Themes and sub-themes were created based on the analysis of the data. Results showed that school principals and special education teachers indicated school management, personnel qualification, physical conditions of schools, number of students in the class, individual characteristics of students, curriculum, early diagnosis and placement and guidance services are the factors which determine the quality of education. School principals provided many suggestions by expressing what they see as incomplete and stated that the quality of the education given in special education institutions can be increased with these suggestions. When teachers' views on the quality of education provided in special education institutions are analyzed, it is determined that there are many points to be developed. Many suggestions have been made about these points to be developed by teachers and it has been stated that the quality of the education given in special education institutions can be increased. The results obtained from the research were discussed in light of the literature and recommendations for future educational practices and policies were presented.
Keywords: Special education institutions, special education, school managers, teachers
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