This study aimed to examine the relationship between the attitudes towards sex education and gender perceptions among parents of children with special needs. A relational survey model using quantitative methods was used in this study. Participants of the study consisted of 191 parents of children with special needs attending schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and Culture of the TRNC in the academic year 2021-2022. Some participants were reached through visits to institutions where their children received education, while others were reached online via Google Forms. A personal information form, the Attitudes toward Sex Education Scale and the Gender Perception Scale were used for data collection. The research findings showed that the attitudes of parents of children with special needs towards sex education are positive and their levels of gender perception are positive and egalitarian. Significant differences were found between variables such as gender, marital status, educational status, monthly household income, receiving a training on sex education and parents’ attitudes towards sex education. Regarding gender perceptions among parents of children with special needs, significant differences were found in terms of gender, marital status, educational status and monthly household income. However, no significant differences were found in terms of age, receiving a training on sex education, being around someone who has been sexually abused before and the parents’ perspective on sex education. A positive and statistically significant relationship was found between the attitudes of parents of children with special needs towards sex education and their perceptions of gender.
Keywords: Sex education, attitudes towards sex education, gender perception, parents of children with special needs.
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