This research aims to examine the marital satisfaction, spouse burnout, and psychological well-being of married individuals with demographic variables and to determine the relationship between them. 183 participants (81 women and 102 men) participated in the study. The participants were administered the Demographic Information Form, Golombok-Rust Marital Status Inventory, Spouse Burnout Scale, and Psychological Well-Being Scale. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 21 program. Looking at the participants' average scores in all three variables, the participants' marital satisfaction is quite low, their spouse burnout level is at a medium level, and their psychological well-being is at a medium level. It can be accepted that psychological well-being and spouse burnout scores are not at a level that would increase marital satisfaction; therefore, marital satisfaction is low. As a result of the research, it was seen that the variables of marriage age, age of participation in the research, income, and number of children affected these variables, and there is a significant difference in all three variables. One of the results of the research is that there is no significant difference in all three variables according to the variables of gender, education level, type of marriage, year of marriage, working status, occupational status, whether or not they own a home, and whether or not they care for disabled or elderly individuals. Considering that all three variables are important for marital life and that they support and influence each other, it is recommended to conduct comprehensive research.
Keywords: Marriage satisfaction, spouse burnout, psychological well-being.
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