In this research, the effect of conflict resolution training program on university students’ conflict resolution skills was examined. To form the experiment and control groups, “Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination Scale” was applied to 135 students who are studying at European University of Lefke, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department and those who got the highest score were selected. The research was conductedwith 31 students which 16 of them were in experiment and 15 of them were in control group. The pretest-posttest design with control group was used in the research. Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination Scale which was adapted by Koruklu (1998) was used to gather data. This scale is a self-assessment scale and its application time is approximately 20 minutes. Conflict resolution trainingwas given to 16 students in the experiment group but nothing was done for the students in control group. This training had 9 sessions and each session lasted almost 50 minutes. “t-test” and “two way analysis of variance for repeated measures” were used for the meaning of the difference between groups’ points in data analysis. After 1 week completing the conflict resolution training which was given to the experimental group, “Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination Scale” was applied to both groups as posttest. The results showed that the program was effective and the students’ who are in control group conflict resolution skills rose as constructive reaction. Findings were discussed in consideration of information in literature.
Key words: conflict resolution, conflict resolution training program, group guidance
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