Inclusion, Parent, Burnout, Special EducationAbstract
Present study aims at determining the relationship between the needs of parents whose children are attending inclusion classes in the TRNC and their burnout levels. This study encompasses 150 parents in total. The scale used within the scope of the research was applied to the parents of children with special needs (150 participants), who attend the general education class affiliated to the TRNC “Ministry of National Education and Culture Primary Education Department” in the 2019-2020 academic year, via Google Forms. In this regard, scanning model was utilized in the present research. In the study, the "Scale of Identifying the Needs of Parents whose Children Attend Inclusive Education" was utilized to determine the desires of the parents and the "Maslach Burnout Scale-Parent Form" was employed by researchers to reveal the burnout levels of the parents. Based on the relational results between the scale of determining the needs of the families of the students receiving inclusive education and the “Maslach Burnout Scale”, it has been determined that there are statistically significant and positive correlations between the scores that the parents got from the scale of determining the needs of the families of the students receiving inclusive education, from the sub-dimensions of the scale, from the overall “Maslach Burnout Scale” and from the sub-dimension of emotional burnout in the scale.
Keywords: Inclusion, parent, burnout, special education.
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