Providing efficient education services at special education centers requires teachers to work productively. Increasing teachers’ productivity depends on specifying the problems they face at practice centers. The most significant advantage of specifying teachers’ opinions is forming the basis for making regulations in order to present effective services for individuals with special needs. This study both aims at identifying the problems special education teachers face at the education centers and also finding their solutions accordingly. For this reason, 20 special education teachers who work at 5 private practice centers within The Ministry of Education, were interviewed during 2014-2015 educational year. This study is a qualitative research in case study model. The data is gathered with qualitative data collection techniques, interview forms consisting of semi-structured questions and it is analyzed with the content analysis method. At the research findings it is obvious that special education teachers have encountered several problems regarding; (a) their students’ learning in class and behavioral characteristics, (b) other staff at school, (c) physical characteristics of the school and the classroom, (d) programme and (e) material development. These findings enabled the improvement of the recommendations for increasing the quality of the education given to individuals with special needs.
Keywords: Special education, individuals with special needs, individualized education plan.
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