: crisis management skills, psychological capital, teacher.Abstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the crisis management skills of school principals who manage schools and the psychological capital of teachers. Scanning model was used in the research. The population of the research consists of 939 teachers, consisting of 396 primary school teachers and 543 secondary school teachers, who work in 34 schools in total, 15 of which are primary schools and 19 are secondary schools, affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in the city center of Çanakkale in the 2021-2022 academic year. The sample of the study consisted of 274 teachers working in primary and secondary schools located in the city center of Çanakkale. Data results were analyzed in SPSS 22.0 program. In the study, when the relationship between the crisis management skills of school principals and teachers' gender, working years at school and branch variables was examined according to teachers' perception levels, it was determined that the difference was not at a significant level. When the relationship between the psychological capital of teachers and the crisis management skills of school principals is examined, a positive and moderate relationship was determined between self-efficacy and the period before the crisis, the period during the crisis and the period after the crisis, and it can be said that self-efficacy is a positive predictor of crisis management skills.
Keywords: Crisis management skills, psychological capital, teacher.
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