This study aims to determine the relationship between organizational depression and organizational change cynicism. It also aims to examine how much the teachers' perceived organizational depression level explains the perceived organizational change cynicism. The fact that the relationship between organizational depression and organizational change cynicism, which is shown as the cause or result of each other in the literature, has not been sufficiently examined so far, increases the importance of this research. A relational screening model uses in the research. The sample of the study consists of a total of 329 teachers, 214 female (65%) and 115 male (35%) working in 28 secondary schools in Balıkesir Körfez (Edremit, Havran, Burhaniye, Gömeç, and Ayvalık) districts in the 2021-2022 academic year. The sample was selected by simple random sampling. It constitutes 81.58% of the participant group between the ages of 30-49. The collected data were processed into the SPSS 26.0 program and analyzed. As a result of the research, significant and strong positive relationship was found between organizational depression and organizational change cynicism. Another significant aspect of the study is the findings of the number of teachers in schools regarding the perceptions of organizational depression and organizational change cynicism.
Keywords: Organizational depression, cynicism, cynicism of change, hopelessness, burnout.
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