Leadership, self-leadership, psychological well-beingAbstract
The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between self-leadership and teachers' psychological well-being. Relational screening model was used in the study. The universe of the research is 2465 teachers working at all levels of public schools in Beykoz district of Istanbul. The sample of the study consists of 337 teachers selected from schools in all levels in Beykoz district of Istanbul, using the simple random method. Within the framework of this research model, according to teachers' perceptions; the relationship between teachers' self-leadership characteristics and their psychological well-being was investigated. Data results of “Self Leadership Scale” and “Psychological Well-Being Scale” were analyzed in IBM SPSS 22.0 program. It was found that the teachers showed the most results in the sub-dimension of "self-observation" and the least in the "self-talk" sub-dimension. In addition, a significant and positive effect was determined according to the results of the regression analysis in the sub-dimensions of goal setting, self-observation, and imagining successful performance. It was determined that there was a significant negative effect in the self-punishment sub-dimension.
Keywords: Leadership, self-leadership, psychological well-being.
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